14 October 2013

A big number, not a big coin

Slate has a blog article by Matthew Yglesias about change, literal and figurative:
Reach into your pocket. Find a penny. Find a dime. Observe that the dime is worth ten times as much as the penny and yet is physically smaller than the penny.
That, my friends, is the magic of fiat money. The size of the object is unrelated to its value. By the same token a hundred dollar bill is physically the same size as a one dollar bill. So when you hear about the idea of exploiting the platinum coin loophole by minting large-denomination platinum coins, don't imagine physically gigantic coins. Platinum is expensive, and it would be enormously wasteful to finance the government with physically large coins. The idea would be to take more or less regular sized coins and write large numbers on them. That's just good sense. A physically enormous coin is silly.
Rico says he can hardly wait...

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