05 April 2010

Guess it's not the Happiest Place on Earth after all

Rico says that, of course, they are French, after all, but Matthew Campbell has the story in The Times:
Staff at Disneyland Paris, the most popular tourist attraction in Europe, are considering industrial action to improve their working conditions after the suicides of three employees since the start of the year.
Guy-Bruno Mboe, leader of a Disneyland union, has blamed the latest two deaths on “brutal” working conditions. “It’s all about profit, profit, profit,” said Mboe. “The combination of fewer staff and demands for more productivity just pushed this poor man over the edge.”
The directors of the resort denied that the suicide of an employee in his home on 26 March had anything to do with his working conditions. They complained of a union attempt to exploit the tragedy.
The man, identified only as Franck L., a 37-year-old father of four and restaurant manager at Disneyland, hanged himself on the day he was supposed to return to work after holidays and sick leave. According to Mboe, the restaurant manager had told colleagues he wanted to leave his job “because of having to work more and more with less and less means”.
Another Disneyland restaurant worker had thrown himself in front of a train five weeks earlier. At the beginning of February an employee had committed suicide for what the company called “personal reasons”. After being fired, another worker recently threatened to kill himself in the theme park.
The company has said that it will investigate the “possible factors of stress or harassment”.

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