12 April 2010

Extending the quiz

Rico says that, given the resounding lack of responses thus far, he is extending the Civil War quiz to the 150th anniversary of the start of the War, 12 April 2011.
You may email your answers to him at mseymour@proofmark.com until midnight, 11 April 2011. The winner will be the first responder (based on email date & time) with the most correct answers. Winners will get their choice of the then-existing issues of his magazine, Civil War: Weapons & Tactics. (Subscribing to the magazine is not required to enter, but it is both highly recommended and appreciated.)

The quiz:

1. Where was the last command of Robert E. Lee, USA?
2. What unit did he command there?
3. What other famous Civil War officers served at the same post?
4. Who commanded the unit that captured John Brown at Harpers Ferry?
5. Who were the first Confederate soldiers killed in the War?
6. Who were the first Union soldiers killed in the War?
7. Where was the true ‘high tide’ of the Confederacy?
8. Where was Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain last wounded?
9. When and where did Theodore Roosevelt see Abraham Lincoln?
10. To what did Sherman compare Hell?
11. What was Sherman’s complete phrase concerning War?
12. What was his complete phrase concerning Texas?
13. For what was General McClellan cursed by cavalrymen after the war?
14. Where did R.E. Lee and U.S. Grant fight in the same battle on the same side?
15. Who commanded the first anti-aircraft battery?
16. What was a ‘galvanized Yankee’?
17. Which veteran of Waterloo died at Shiloh?
18. Complete Secretary Seward’s phrase: “If I ring this bell…”
19. In what language did Booth announce that he had shot Lincoln?
20. What were his exact words, and what do they mean?
21. Where do those words still officially appear?
22. Which general drowned?
23. What ship was captured by a Confederate artilleryman?
24. Who was the Annapolis roommate of Raphael Semmes?
25. How many Union generals later became president of the United States?
26. Name them.
27. Who was the first Confederate general killed?
28. Who was the first Union general killed?
29. Who was the last general to die?
30. Which unit, and at what battle, had the highest casualty rate?
31. Who was the last general to surrender?
32. Which of these ‘modern’ technologies was not used during the Civil War: submarine, machine gun, tank, telegraph, grenade, land mine, aircraft carrier
33. What writer fought for both the Union and the Confederacy?
34. What was the last organized command to surrender?
35. Why wasn’t the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac?ˇ
36. In what unit did the writer Ambrose Bierce serve?
37. Who was not hung among the convicted Lincoln conspirators: Michael O’Laughlin, Dr. Samuel Mudd, Samuel Arnold, Edward Spengler
38. Which of these events did not happen on 12 April: The surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia; General Forrest’s capture of Fort Pillow; General Banks’ occupation of Franklin, Louisiana; the capture of Fort Pulaski at Savannah; the shelling of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor
39. What was the farthest north action of organized units?
40. What was the farthest east action of organized units?
41. What was the farthest south action of organized units?
42. What was the farthest west action of organized units?
43. What was the highest action of organized units?
44. What was the lowest action of organized units?
45. What was the name of the first aircraft carrier?
46. Who was Decator Jaycox, and for what was he paid $166.76?
47. What father, along with his two sons (both Marines), surrendered at Appomattox?
48. What was the name of U.S. Grant’s horse?
49. The father of what Confederate general defended Fort McHenry at Baltimore against the British during the War of 1812?
50. Who said “The war began in my front yard and ended in my parlor”?
51. Who bought his parlor table?
52. How many future Supreme Court justices fought in the Civil War?
53. Name them.
54. Which one saved Abraham Lincoln’s life?
55. Who is buried at Chickamauga?
56. How many horses did Nathan Bedford Forrest have shot out from under him during the War?
57. How many words were in the Gettysburg Address?
58. How long did it take Lincoln to give it?
59. Who (later a Confederate) accepted U.S. Grant’s resignation from the Army?
60. What was the last song played at the direction of Abraham Lincoln?
61. What did Lincoln say of it?
62. When and where was the last Confederate flag raised over a captured fort?
63. Who was the highest ranking Native American soldier?
64. How many men died at Andersonville?
65. Where was the true ‘high tide’ of the Confederacy?
66. Who exhumed and reburied Stonewall Jackson’s arm in 1935?
67. Why wasn’t Fitzhugh Lee’s horse, called “John the Baptist”, really Fitzhugh Lee’s horse?
68. Who was the youngest Confederate general?
69. Who was the youngest Union general?
70. What Union ship was captured by a Confederate artilleryman?
71. Who was the Annapolis roommate of Raphael Semmes?
72. When and where were the last United States soldiers killed by a Confederate cannon ball?
73. What was General Sedgwick talking about when he was killed by a sniper at Spotsylvania?
74. What did General Barlow request before his advance against the Mule Shoe at Spotsylvania?
75. When Sheridan attacked General Pickett’s troops at Five Forks on 1 April, 1865, what was Pickett doing?
76. What is the nickname of the 71st Pennsylvania regiment?
77. What was Admiral Farragut’s flagship at Mobile Bay?
78. The son of a Revolutionary War hero defended Culp’s Hill on 2 July, 1863. Who was he?
79. The inventor of a famous game took command after General Reynolds was killed at Gettysburg. Who was he?
80. What famous game did he purportedly invent?
81. What symbol is on Clara Barton’s monument at Antietam?
82. What famous general, later a writer, was at Shiloh?
83. What famous novel did he write, which later became a famous movie?
84. Which world famous battle did George McClellan observe before the Civil War?
85. When the Confederates blew up an attacking ship at Vicksburg, it turned out to be a ‘Quaker’, or dummy, vessel; what message had been painted on the back of the ship?
86. A certain Colonel Arthur Freemantle attended Gettysburg as an observer, later writing a book entitled "Three Months in the Southern States"; which unit’s uniform did he wear?
87. What infantry unit defeated a naval unit, and where?
88. Who surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia?
89. What ship attacked the USS Housatonic in Charleston Harbor on 17 February 1864?
90. Who were the only officers to become a general AND an admiral?
91. Of whom did Mosby say: “No, by God, Mosby has YOU!”
92. Who was the highest-ranking black soldier?
93. Who scandalously came to General John Fulton Reynold’s house after his death?
94. Who was the last Confederate soldier killed at Appomattox?
95. Who was the last Union soldier killed at Appomattox?
96. What unit mined the Crater?
97. What unit shot General James Longstreet?
98. Where and when?
99. What ship destroyed a fleet of Yankee whaling ships in the Bering Sea on 28 June 1865?
100. Who was the last Civil War soldier to die?

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