04 April 2010

Cowboy story

A young fellow in torn and tattered cowboy garb showed up at Heaven's Pearly Gates and approached St. Peter, requesting admittance.
St. Peter asked him: "What have you done in your short life, young man, to merit admittance into Heaven?"
"Nuthin' much," the cowboy admitted, "except for one thang. I stood up fer law an' order and all that's good an' proper when I come upon a real bad man who were drankin' likker in a saloon. Outlaw name o' Reckless Dan McCoy, he was. A violent an' profane man of an evil nature an' intemperate conduct. A notorious robber o' banks an' stagecoaches, a horse thief, a brigand, an' a wanted man in several states an' territories. I walked right up to him, called him a low, backshootin', no-account dog, and tol' him there was no place in my town fer the likes o' him and that he'd best git outta town right quick, or else face the consequences. Then I throwed a glass o' lukewarm beer in his ugly face."
St. Peter was impressed. "Where and when did all this happen?"
"Tonopah, Nevada." The young fellow shrugged. "About two, maybe three minutes ago."

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