16 December 2017

Star Wars on the ISS

Space.com has an article about watching Star Wars:

"I can confirm that the astronauts will get a chance to view the film in space, but I don't have a time for when at this time," NASA spokesman Dan Huot told Space.com in an email. 
International Space Station Expedition 45 crewmembers watch an advance screening of The Martian movie on 19 September 2015. 
There are currently three crewmembers aboard the space station: NASA astronauts Mark Vande Hei and Joe Acaba and Russian cosmonaut Alexander Misurkin. Three more crewmembers are expected to arrive on Sunday, 17 December 2017, so the crew may hold off on screening the film until all six members of Expedition 54 can watch the movie together. Another trio of space travelers departed the space station and returned to Earth early this morning, arriving just in time for the worldwide release of The Last Jedi.
While the astronauts in space don't have a movie theater with a giant screen, they do have a special projection screen and a high-definition projector that they can use to watch movies and the occasional football game. In 2015, astronauts also watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens on their zero-g projection screen.
Rico says it's nice the guys will get to see it, probably before Rico does...

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