06 August 2015

The five creepiest stories in the hiistory of war

War History Online has an article about bad human behavior:
Undoubtedly war and every connotation attached to this notion is ugly but, at times, war forces humans to cross the boundaries of humanity and come up with ideas that could put devil to shame. Following is the list of some of the ugly stories attached to the two World Wars:
1. Baby Factories of Nazis
’s ugly romance with blue eyes and blonde hair is well known and documented in the history books. This romance manifested itself in a variety of different shapes and forms; most notable among all has to be the ‘Final Solution’ that gave the world gas chambers and the Holocaust. But very few people know some of the bizarre atrocities Hitler authorized to further his aim of making the so-called Aryan race the most dominant race of the world. A large number of babies were taken into large mansions and luxurious villas to be brought up as true Aryans. This Nazification program was dubbed ‘Lebensborn’ by Hitler.
Initially Nazi soldiers were told to mingle with the local communities of the occupied territories, such as Poland. This meant that a large number of Polish women got pregnant with Nazi babies. Mother and children were then transferred to massive facilities to live a luxurious life.  This method was slow, and took a while for the fresh ‘batch’ of Aryan babies. The Nazis then resorted to kidnapping and forcibly taking away most white-looking babies from their parents. Poland claims that around two hundred thousand Polish babies were kidnapped under the Lebensborn program.
2. The murders of Nagyrev
Not all the sinister plots and atrocities during a war are committed by evil regimes or armies; sometimes seemingly normal communities shake hands with the ugly. In a small Hungarian town called Nagyrev, a string of mysterious murders shook the region during the First World War. The murder-thon in the small isolated town started after the arrival of a sinister midwife. During the war, some lonely housewives started having flings with the Allied POW’s, and had to seek the help of the midwife to put a lid on the matter. Her influence grew stronger, and she encouraged the people of the town to settle their scores between each other by using a deadly arsenic soup.
This resulted in a large number of deaths in the town, including women and children. Some of the soldiers who survived the war came back to their wives, only to get poisoned by them. For years the whole affair went unnoticed by neighboring communities, because the town’s clerk was midwife’s cousin, who never reported any death as murder. By the time the killing spree concluded, some three hundred people were dead, including a large number of elderly and children.
3. Soldiers treating dead Japanese soldiers as trophies
Propaganda has been the most prominent feature of the two biggest conflicts of the human history. In the Second World War, the United States and Japan both used their propaganda machinery to stir emotions and evoke hatred among the ranks of their soldiers. Before the war, US propaganda against the Japanese had grown so effective that soldiers started believing that Japanese were nothing but a bunch of savages incapable of any thinking. The Army recruited soldiers by calling the whole campaign ‘Japanese hunting’, implying that Japanese were animals to be hunted.
This propaganda, coupled with the intensity of the war, meant that soldiers went over the moon after killing Japanese. Some of them started taking Japanese soldier’s body parts as trophies. Ears started appearing on belts, while many soldiers were seen wearing necklaces made out of Japanese soldiers' teeth. It did not stop at that, some soldiers started mailing the skulls and body parts back home as trophies. The phenomenon grew to such an extent that, in 1942, the Army had to issue an order to stop this sort of behavior, but by that time it was too late.
4. Irma Grese, the psychopath of Auschwitz Convicted and hanged at the age of 22, Irma Grese (photo, middle) rewrote the definition of being horrible, even by Nazi standards. She got a position in Auschwitz due to her beefy outlook and ruthless attitude, but very few knew that she was a sexually twisted psychopath. Irma got sexual pleasures by torturing and beating people in all kinds of horrible manners. She would carry two hungry dogs with her at all time; she would beat people with her belt, custom-made with pointy studs. She quickly gained a reputation as a ruthless and evil person, and her popularity grew with every passing day. She would slash women's breasts with knives, and then see the painful surgery to satisfy her twisted sexual fantasies. By her acts, she put many Nazis to shame, and was put to death when after committing a number of murders and torturing hundreds of prisoners.

5. Cannibal Japanese Army Despite the fact that most of the propaganda against the Japanese was conjured up by the Americans, however there was no shortage of evil and sinister acts committed by the Japanese army during the war.
During the Second World War, an American aircraft was shot down over the Japanese island of Chichi-jima, and one of the pilots was rescued by an American submarine, while eight others were captured by Japanese army. Shortly after that, during a dinner party held to honor Imperial Navy officers, attendees were offered a special steak. This special steak was named ‘kimo’, meaning fresh flesh, and it came from the bodies of one of the executed POW’s. After the incident, a large number of Japanese Army officials and soldiers started cannibalizing American soldier’s bodies. On some occasions, body parts were amputated while the soldiers were still alive, then cooked and served to the officers.
The pilot who narrowly escaped this ordeal and was picked up by the submarine near Chichi-jima went on to become the President of the United States; his name is George W. Bush Sr.
Rico says it's not his fault it's mostly the Germans and the Japanese; something in their upbringing, maybe...

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