09 August 2015

Purple Heart returned after nearly fifty years

Victor Luckerson has a Time article about a medal, lost and found:
The family of a World War Two pilot lost his Purple Heart in the 1960s. This weekend, it’s finally being returned.
Wiljo Matalamaki had his bomber shot down over Germany in 1944 and was never recovered. His mother held onto his Purple Heart until her death in 1966, when the medal disappeared.
Decades later, in the 1990s, another family that moved into the home where Matalamaki grew up found the Purple Heart in a dump near their house. Fascinated by the medal, the family began researching Matalamaki’s life. Eventually, descendants of Matalamaki returned to the home and asked them to return the medal to the war hero’s family. The relatives will receive the Purple Heart at a military fort in St. Paul, Minnesota on Sunday.
Rico says it's a nice ending, but one wonders how it went out in the trash in the first place...

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