11 July 2015

Islam, live

The BBC has an article about tweeting a sacred event:
Almost three hundred thousand people tweeted #Mecca_live as part of a campaign to get Snapchat to feature the Saudi city, which is closed to non-Muslim visitors, on their app.
Snapchat launched its "live" feature last year. It allows users to contribute videos and pictures to a live stream, which, like other content on the app, disappears after a short period of time. While Snapchat focuses on locations of its own choosing, including a controversial Tel Aviv live stream last week, it's been the subject of lobbying campaigns, including a recent push to feature the holy city of Mecca when millions of pilgrims will be praying in the city.
A bit of background: Muslims consider Mecca the holiest place on Earth. It's where the Prophet Muhammad was born, and where he had his 'first revelation' of the Quran. Every year Muslims from all around the world flock the Saudi city to perform the Hajj pilgrimage. The pilgrimage is only required once in a Muslim's lifetime and only if they can afford it and can physically endure it. But for those who can't make it during the Hajj season there's the Umrah pilgrimage; similar to the Hajj, but which can be performed any time of the year. Making Umrah during Ramadan is popular; in fact, some some Muslim scholars argue that performing Umrah during the holy month is equivalent to performing Hajj.
Many of the hundreds of thousands of Saudis campaigning for Mecca to be featured on Snapchat hope the coverage will show the beauty of the pilgrimage. And, for outsiders, it could serve as an interesting way to see a rarely viewed event, as non-Muslims aren't allowed in the city.
Rico says the Vatican has a website, why not Mecca? (It's a popular delusion...)

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