13 July 2015

ISIS oops for the day

The Clarion Project has an article about the latest from ISIS:
In one of its cruelest acts to date, Islamic State reportedly blew up a baby to show members how to handle explosives. The incident took place in Diyala Province on 10 July 2015, according to provincial Security Committee Chairman Sadiq el-Husseini. (photo, bottom). He detailed the event in the local Arabic-language a-Sumeriah News.
The baby’s father was apparently executed just weeks ago, after he allegedly took part in the killing of an Islamic State member.
“The organization booby trapped the baby in front of dozens of armed ISIS men and then detonated it from afar,” Sadiq el-Husseini said. The rigging of the baby and its detonation was a training exercise of ISIS to teach its people booby-trapping techniques.
“The organization doesn’t care about the most basic human values. Their crimes are incalculable and the blowing up of the baby is the best proof to the threat of ISIS’ ideology to the state.”
Rico says a nice bunch of guys who, hopefully, will meet well-deserved ends...

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