10 June 2015

Star Wars for the day

Melissa Locker has a Time article about a mystery, solved at last:
A newly discovered Star Wars script solves one of the longest-running disputes in the franchise’s history: who shot first, Han Solo or Greedo?
In Stars Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, the bounty hunter Han Solo (played by Harrison Ford, photo) has just finished conducting business in the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine, when Greedo, a bounty hunter working for Jabba the Hutt, pulls him aside for a little chat, demanding that Solo pay Jabba the money he owes him for a botched smuggling job.
What happens next is undisputed. There was a quick gun fight and Solo emerged victorious, while Greedo went on to whatever afterlife the Rodians believe in. But who shot first? Was Solo acting in self-defense? Or just doing whatever he could to get out of paying Jabba?
According to CBC, a recently discovered early draft of the Star Wars script makes it clear that Solo was the trigger-happy aggressor in the fight. The script, which Lucasfilm Publicity said looked to be a “fan-made” replica version of the real early script, was unearthed in the University of New Brunswick Library’s science-fiction collection. It is marked as a “fourth draft” and dated 15 March 1976, well ahead of the film’s 1977 release date. It is such an early draft of the script that the film is called Star Wars: Saga I instead of its eventual title of Star Wars: A New Hope and Luke Skywalker’s character has the much more ominous name of Luke Starkiller.
But for fans, one of the most interesting revelations resolves the case of the shoot-out at the cantina. In the original, Solo fires at Greedo without warning. The 1997 version of the film altered the scene to make it look like Solo was acting in self-defense. It was a move that enraged fans (though not as much as the introduction of Jar Jar Binks). But librarian Kristian Brown, who discovered the script, told CBC, “Based on the script, I can tell you a hundred percent, Han shot first.”
That settles that.
Rico says this is trivial, even for Star Wars junkies, but thank goodness we solved that one...

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