08 June 2015

Apple for the day

Slate has an article by Lily Hay Newman about Apple, finally getting with the program, female-wise:
When Apple releaased its Health app in September of 2014, something was conspicuously missing: it didn't include functionality for tracking menstruation or fertility. It was a problematic oversight, but it's the type of thing companies correct quickly, right? Nope. When Apple updated the Health app in March of 2015, it was still period-free.
Finally, at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, senior vice president of software engineering Craig Federighi (photo) announced that the Health app in iOS 9 will include reproductive health tracking. A category for Menstruation briefly flashed across the demo screen, before Federighi moved on to talking about smarthomes. Apple's liveblog noted, that"the Health app can ... now also track reproductive health, how often you’re seated, and UV exposure."
There aren't any other details yet about what exactly the addition of a "reproductive health" category will mean, and no one said the words "period" or "menstruation" out loud on stage. Recognizing a standard component of health and health monitoring for a pretty important (!) demographic group is apparently a learning process for Apple.
Rico says that guys (particularly tech geeks) think periods are icky, and don't like to talk about 'em...

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