08 January 2015

Apple for the day

Time has an article by Dan Kedmey about how the new iPhone is hurting sales of Google's Android phones:
Android’s US market share dipped for the first time since September of 2013, as Apple’s new large-screened phones made inroads in the market for “phablets”, according to new data compiled by market research firm Kantar Worldpanel.
Apple’s market share expanded globally in every surveyed country, except Japan, over the past three months ending in November of 2014. US sales increased by over four percent, as the iPhone 6 became the best-selling phone domestically. Android sales, however, slackened over the same period.
“While remaining the dominant global OS, Android’s market share dropped in most European markets and in the US,” said Kantar Worldpanel’s chief of research, Carolina Milanesi.
In China, however, Android continued to dominate, with an eighty percent market share. Sales were buoyed by the explosive growth of Android-operated phones from Xiaomi, a Chinese manufacturer of low-priced phones sometimes called the “Apple of China.” Kantar noted an “astonishing” eighteen percent rise in Xiaomi’s sales over the same period last year.
Rico says it is to laugh, unless you work for Google...

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