08 October 2014

Carlos the Jackal

Elizabeth Barber has a Time article about Carlos the Jackal:
Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, aka Carlos the Jackal, is shown (above) arriving at the Criminal Court of the Palais de Justice in Paris, France on 9 December 2013.
The convicted terrorist is already serving two life sentences for a series of killings in France in the 1980s. He is now to be tried for a 1974 grenade attack in Paris that killed two people and injured 34, the Guardian reports.
The notorious Marxist terrorist from Venezuela, who was convicted of a series of attacks on French civilians in the 1980s, is already serving two life sentences in a French prison for several high-profile murders. One sentence, handed down in 1997, is for the murder of a civilian and two policemen. The other, announced in 2011, is for organizing a series of attacks in the 1980s on two French passenger trains, a train station in Marseille, and a Libyan magazine office in Paris. The attacks killed eleven people in total and injured about a hundred and fifty. Ramírez has denied involvement in the attacks.
A source told the Guardian that a French judge was planning to send Ramírez, 64, to a special court in the French capital, where he will get a third trial, this time on charges related to a 1974 grenade attack at a drugstore in Paris.
Rico says it's yet another guy who needed the death penalty and didn't get it...

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