08 November 2012

Florida, finally (and not for Willard)

Josh Voorhees has a Slate article about the end (finally) of the election:
Make that Obama 332, Romney 206.
Mitt Romney's camp has reportedly conceded Florida, the last state not yet called by election officials and news networks.
Here's the statement Romney adviser Brett Doster gave to the Miami Herald:
"We thought based on our polling and range of organization that we had done what we needed to win. Obviously, we didn’t, and for that I and every other operative in Florida has a sick feeling that we left something on the table. I can assure you this won’t happen again."
With one hundred percent of precincts reporting in the Sunshine State, the president was leading by a fraction of a percentage point, 49.9 percent to 49.3. With Florida in the win column, the president can now lay claim to winning every battleground state but one (North Carolina) that was up for grabs in this election.
Rico says it's no surprise about North Carolina; Rico's mother lives there (again), and reports that stupidity is endemic there...

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