04 September 2012

Scam for the day

Sent from my iPhone

Mark Seymour

Begin forwarded message:

From: "service@paypal.com" <service@paypal.com>
Date: September 4, 2012 8:39:31 AM EDT
To: <mseymour@proofmark.com>
Subject: You sent a payment

You sent a payment

You sent a payment

Transaction ID: 8B337467OP606653U
Dear PayPal User,
You sent a payment for $2136.90 USD to Edgar Craft.
Please note that it may take a little while for this payment to appear in the Recent Activity list on your Account Overview.
View the details of this transaction online

This payment was sent using your bank account.

By using your bank account to send money, you just:

- Paid easily and securely

- Sent money faster than writing and mailing paper checks

- Paid instantly -- your purchase won't show up on bills at the end of the month.

Thanks for using your bank account!

Your monthly account statement is available anytime; just log in to your account at https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_history. To correct any errors, please contact us through our Help Center at https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_contact_us.

Amount:$2136.90 USD
Sent on:September 04, 2012
Payment method:Bank account
This email was sent by an automated system, so if you reply, nobody will see it. To get in touch with us, log in to your account and click "Contact Us" at the bottom of any page.
Copyright � 2012 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. PayPal is located at 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131.

PayPal Email ID PP118

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