12 June 2012

Seeing eye dog

Rico says his friend Tex sends this one:
Two women were out for a Saturday stroll. One had a Doberman, the other a Chihuahua. As they walked down the street, the one with the Doberman said to her friend: "Let's go over to that bar for a drink."
The lady with the Chihuahua said: "We can't go in there. We've got dogs with us."
The one with the Doberman said: "Just watch, and do as I do."
They walked over to the bar and the one with the Doberman put on a pair of dark glasses and started to walk in. The bouncer at the door said: "Sorry, lady, no pets allowed."
The woman with the Doberman said: "You don't understand. This is my seeing-eye dog."
The bouncer said: "A Doberman?"
The woman said: "Yes, they're using them now. They're very good."
The bouncer said: "Okay, come on in."
The lady with the Chihuahua thought that convincing him that a Chihuahua was a seeing-eye dog may be a bit more difficult, but thought "What the heck", so she put on her dark glasses and started to walk in.
Once again, the bouncer said: "Sorry, lady, no pets allowed."
The woman said: "You don't understand. This is my seeing-eye dog"
The bouncer asked: "A Chihuahua?"
The woman with the Chihuahua said:"A Chihuahua? They gave me a fucking Chihuahua?"

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