21 August 2011

Don't fuck with the rich, either

Rico says that he and his friend Kelley went out during the local Open Studios to visit a 'jeweler' (quote marks deliberate; explanation to follow), located south of Adamsville, on the next peninsula west of Westport (think of a combination of Nantucket, Massachusetts and Newport, Rhode Island and you won't be far off), in the hopes of buying a present for Rico's ladyfriend. The studio belonged to a patrician (meaning rich) New England woman and her daughter, whose family (because Rico asked, of course), the Barkers, had lived on the property for about "one hundred years". They were nice, so Rico didn't mention that the mother should be referred to as 'Ma' Barker, not that she was likely to know who that was, anyway (nor did she resemble 'Ma')... Rico was about to leave empty-handed when he found an affordable (the rest of the items all having three digits in their prices) pair of green (good) and ursine (explanatory photo to come) earrings. Now he can only hope that the ladyfriend likes them as well...

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