19 May 2011

Oops is now a thug term

Rico says that, yesterday, El Paso was known for the President's speech on immigration. Today it's known for a policeman dealing with illegal immigration. Rico's friend Kelley sends along this one:
Three armed felons crossed the border and attempted to rob an off-duty El Paso police officer dressed in civilian clothes while he stood in front of a bank.
The plan was for two of them to grab his backpack and toss it to an accomplice on a stolen motorcycle.However, the police officer shot all of them, killing two immediately. The third was shot in both arms and bled to death before an ambulance arrived.
This is what the American taxpayer would have had to pay to prosecute these thugs:
    Arrest and detention for one night: $6,000
    Transportation for deportation back to Mexico the next day: $1000
    Airtime for President Obama to apologize in a thirty minute speech: $25,000,000
What it actually cost:
    Four .40 rounds: $1.00
Taxpayer savings: $25,006,999.00

1 comment:

  1. I the point of this post, but before sharing disturbing photos and trying to make a political statement with them, please check your facts. Those photos were obviously not from El Paso. Look at the people and the gas station sign in the background. Is that a gas station you're familiar with? A little internet research reveals further photos that show this being from Brazil (see the Gravia store, a door manufacturer that only exists in Brazil). http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=802654


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.