19 May 2011

But wait, there's more

Kimberly Dozier has an article at Philly.com about yet more of Osama bin Laden's attempts to make it happen again:
Deep in hiding, his terror organization battered and fragmenting, Osama bin Laden kept pressing followers to find new ways to hit the United States, officials said, citing his personal journal and other documents recovered in last week's raid on his Pakistani hideout.
Strike smaller cities, bin Laden suggested. Target trains as well as planes. Above all, kill as many Americans as possible in a single attack.
Although he was out of the public eye and al-Qaeda seemed weakened, bin Laden never yielded control of his worldwide organization, U.S. officials said. His handwritten journal and massive collection of computer files reveal his hand in every recent major al-Qaeda threat, including plots in Europe last year that had travelers and embassies on high alert, two officials said.
Meanwhile, a lawmaker who went to CIA headquarters to see pictures of bin Laden's body gave a graphic description of one. The photo, of bin Laden's head, showed what appeared to be the fatal wound, according to Sen. James J. Inhofe, a member of the Armed Services Committee. "Either a bullet, the significant bullet, went through the ear and out the eye socket, or vice versa," Inhofe said. Brain matter was hanging out of the eye socket, he said. "It wasn't a very pretty picture."
The photos from the USS Carl Vinson showing bin Laden's body being prepared for burial in the North Arabian Sea are less jarring, he said. "There are always people who are going to say, 'Until I see it, I won't believe it,' " Inhofe said. "Those are the pictures that I think would convince anyone."President Obama has ordered the photos to be kept secret for fear they will incite anti-U.S. anger.
Inhofe said he had suggested that CIA Director Leon Panetta make them available to members of the congressional defense and intelligence committees, and Panetta agreed. Lawmakers cannot take copies of the photos with them, a CIA spokeswoman said.
Some other lawmakers said they had no interest in seeing the images. "I'm quite satisfied Osama bin Laden is dead," said Rep. John Garamendi, a member of the House Armed Services Committee.Republican Rep. Mike Coffman of Colorado, also a member of the Armed Services panel and a Marine combat veteran, said Obama made the right call. "I don't have any fascination with looking at gunshot wounds to the face," Coffman said. "I'll take their word for it.
The information gleaned from materials seized from bin Laden's compound shatters conventional thinking about the terror chieftain. For years he had been regarded as mostly an inspirational figurehead whose years in hiding had marginalized him so much that he could not maintain operational control of the organization he founded. Instead, bin Laden was communicating from his compound in Pakistan with al-Qaeda's offshoots, including the Yemeni branch that has emerged as the leading threat to the United States, the documents indicate.
The officials described the intelligence on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk publicly about what was found in bin Laden's hideout.
Although there is no evidence yet that he was directly behind the attempted Christmas Day 2009 bombing of a Detroit-bound airliner or the nearly successful attack on cargo planes heading for Chicago and Philadelphia, it's now clear that they bear some of bin Laden's hallmarks.
He was well aware of U.S. counterterrorism efforts and schooled his followers in working around them, the messages to his followers show. Don't limit attacks to New York City, he said in his writings. Consider other areas such as Los Angeles or smaller cities. Spread out the targets.
In one particularly macabre bit of mathematics, bin Laden's writings show him musing over just how many Americans he must kill to force the United States to withdraw from the Arab world. He concludes that the small, scattered attacks since 9/11 had not been enough. He tells his disciples that only a body count of thousands, something on the scale of the 11 September attacks, would shift U.S. policy. He also schemed about ways to sow political dissent in Washington and play political figures against one another, officials said.
The communications were in missives sent via plug-in computer storage devices called flash drives. The devices were ferried to bin Laden's compound by couriers, a process that is slow but exceptionally hard to track.
Intelligence officials have not identified any new planned targets or plots in their initial analysis of the hundred or so flash drives and five computers that Navy SEALs hauled away after killing bin Laden.
Last week, the FBI and Homeland Security Department warned law enforcement officials nationwide to be on alert for possible attacks against trains, though officials said there was no specific plot. Officials have not yet seen any indication that bin Laden had the ability to coordinate the timing of attacks across the various al-Qaeda affiliates in Pakistan, Yemen, Algeria, Iraq, and Somalia. It is also unclear from bin Laden's documents how much the affiliate groups heeded his guidance.
The Yemeni group, for instance, has embraced the small-scale attacks that bin Laden's writings indicate he regarded as inadequate.
The head of Britain's military told a parliamentary committee that bin Laden's death had left some insurgents in Afghanistan panicked over funding, but he offered few details and warned that it was too early to judge the impact of the terror chief's killing. In testimony to the defense committee, General David Richards said bin Laden's death "breaks the linkages between al-Qaeda and the Taliban, which we now know were greater than we thought. He had a psychological effect on some of them, and they are a bit worried that their ability to raise money may be affected," he said. Richards did not elaborate on any specific knowledge of financial ties between al-Qaeda and Afghan insurgents, but officials said he was referring in his testimony to the leader's unique ability to attract money and recruits, because of his global notoriety.

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