07 April 2011

Good idea, bad quote

Caroline Aleander, the author, most recently, of The War That Killed Achilles: The True Story of Homer’s Iliad and the Trojan War, has an article in The New York Times about the planned memorial to 9/11:
The 9/11 memorial in New York, still being planned, is to be dedicated on the tenth anniversary of the attack. Intended as a place for commemoration, reflection, education, and solace, the memorial and museum will serve as a repository for the remains of the victims.Some families of the victims have criticized the planned memorial because they are offended by the prospect of sharing the resting place of their loved ones with museum-going strangers. Because the structure will be built seven stories below the spot where the twin towers once stood, visitors will have to venture underground to pay their respects, a prospect that is also not comforting.
But one feature of the National September 11 Memorial and Museum seems above reproach: a quotation from Virgil’s Aeneid that will be inscribed on a wall in front of the victims’ remains.
The memorial inscription, No day shall erase you from the memory of time is an eloquent translation of the original Latin of The Aeneid: Nulla dies umquam memori vos eximet aevo.
The impulse to turn to time-hallowed texts, like the classics or the Bible, is itself time-hallowed. In the face of powerful emotions, our own words may seem hollow and inadequate, while the confirmation that people in the past felt as we now feel holds solace. And the language of poets and great thinkers can be in itself ennobling.
But not in this case. Anyone troubling to take even a cursory glance at the quotation’s context will find the choice offers neither instruction nor solace.
Virgil’s epic relates the trials of the unhappy Trojan hero Aeneas, who, as Troy burns, flees with the remnants of his family and people to his ships and the sea, eventually winding up in Italy, where it is his destiny to lay the foundation of what will become Rome.
The immediate context of the quotation is a night ambush of the Rutulian enemy camp by two Trojan warriors, Nisus and Euryalus, whose mutual love is described in terms of classical homoerotic convention, and whose deaths represent one of the epic’s famously sentimental set pieces. Falling on the sleeping enemy, the two hack away with their swords, until the ground reeks with “warm black gore”. Stripping the murdered soldiers of their armor, the two are, in turn, ambushed by a returning Rutulian cavalry troop. As each Trojan tries to save his companion, both are killed, brutally and graphically. At this point the poet steps in to address them directly: Fortunati ambo! si quid mea carmina possunt, nulla dies umquam memori vos eximet aevo. This translates to: Happy pair! If aught my verse avail, no day shall ever blot you from the memory of time. (The translation here is from the famously literal Loeb edition.) At dawn’s light, the severed heads of the two Trojans are paraded by the enemy on spears.
The central sentiment that the young men were fortunate to die together could, perhaps, at one time have been defended as a suitable commemoration of military dead who fell with their companions. To apply the same sentiment to civilians killed indiscriminately in an act of terrorism, however, is grotesque.
It is no easy duty to commemorate the dead. Possibly others have performed it worse, and at least some, worth studying, have done better. In Britain, the dreadful task of fixing an inscription for the million military dead in the wake of World War One fell to Rudyard Kipling, a task made especially delicate given the loss of his own son in the war. The simple quotation he selected, Their name liveth for evermore, reflects the same pledge of determined remembrance as the 9/11 memorial effort. But whereas the Virgilian quote dissolves on inspection, Kipling’s choice, from the 44th chapter of Ecclesiasticus, becomes more profound as its context becomes clearer.
Let us now praise famous men begins that chapter of Ecclesiasticus, but it in fact goes on to evoke those who died obscurely, as well as those who died having performed great deeds; both will be remembered by their descendants. A long work, Ecclesiasticus is sure to hold something jarring for everyone; but overall, in context, the selected verse remains sound: Their seed shall remain for ever, and their glory shall not be blotted out. Their bodies are buried in peace; but their name liveth for evermore.
The disastrous 9/11 memorial quotation was, evidently, never intended to be more than a high-sounding, stand-alone phrase, never intended to lead visitors to any more profound thoughts or emotions. Finding words that do justice to a momentous event is always difficult; especially so, perhaps, in the age of Internet trawling, when a wary eye needs to be kept for the bothersome baggage that may be attached to the perfect-sounding expression. There is an easy mechanism, also time-hallowed, for winnowing out what may be right from what is clearly wrong: it’s called reading.

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