06 March 2011

The other end of the stick

Neil MacFarquhar and Liam Stack have an article in The New York Times about the prosecution of the Egyptian interior minister:
Egypt’s once-powerful and feared interior minister, Habib el-Adly, pleaded not guilty to corruption charges, in the first of an expected series of speedy, high-profile cases against ministers ousted with former President Hosni Mubarak.
“That did not happen,” Mr. Adly calmly said twice when the judge asked whether he had profited illegally from his office and laundered money; the charges involve a total of about $1.6 million. Dressed in a white prison uniform with a white cap on his head, Mr. Adly stood in the heavy metal cage that serves as the dock in Egyptian courts. It was an extraordinary sight in a country where Mr. Adly, until his 17 February arrest, had controlled all police forces since he became interior minister in 1997.
As if to underscore the change, hundreds of protesters in Cairo stormed a headquarters of the state security police, a hated organization that Mr. Adly used to run. Protesters also took over or massed outside other security compounds around the country, with one center in Alexandria going up in flames Friday night. Disbanding the state security police is a central public demand.
Egypt named General Mansour el-Essawy as its new interior minister on Sunday, Reuters reported. The state news agency MENA quoted General Essawy as saying his priorities included reinforcing security, which has been lax since the police forces melted away on 28 January.
At the courthouse, the proceedings were dominated by a group of often unruly lawyers, who had tacked public interest lawsuits onto the government’s case, seeking huge compensation for Interior Ministry victims. “This was Egypt’s executioner!” yelled Hussein Abou Eissa, a lawyer, at Judge Al-Mohammadi Qunsua, before hurling similar invective at the accused. The judge, known in Egypt for his independence, barked at the lawyers to remain orderly and quickly postponed the case until 2 April.
The charges read by the prosecutor revolve around a piece of land that the ministry controlled, which it said Mr. Adly had sold to a private contractor working for the ministry, plus money found in his bank account that the government said did not belong there. Defense lawyers asked for more time to study the documents.
Egypt’s interim military government took no chances with security, moving the proceedings to the criminal court of New Cairo, a modern suburb east of the city. Cameras were barred from the courtroom. Two tanks and two armored personnel carriers, along with at least one hundred policemen, blocked the court’s entrance.
Mr. Adly remains under investigation for unleashing the brutal efforts to crush the nonviolent protests that started in Cairo on 25 January, but that was not part of Saturday’s proceedings.
A series of suspicious fires in security and financial investigation offices has Egyptians convinced that senior officials are trying to destroy evidence.
Hundreds of protesters overwhelmed soldiers outside the headquarters of state security in Nasr City, an outer Cairo neighborhood. Some ran through basement floors in one structure, looking for prisoners, seizing what files they could and running out with garbage bags full of shredded documents.
“I don’t know what will happen here tonight, but I am not leaving until I get my file,” said Ibrahim Hodeiby, a political activist.
The army had other ideas, deploying in greater numbers and evicting people from the building. A senior officer waived a Quran aloft and swore there were no detainees inside. Other officers assured the crowd that a senior prosecutor was coming to secure the documents. When that failed to persuade the crowd to leave, more soldiers kept coming in.
At the New Cairo court, one burly demonstrator yanked off his wool ski cap to reveal thick white bandages, and he peeled those back to expose a wide, still raw gash. The man, a 42-year-old butcher named Alaadin Mabrouk, said he was beaten and cut on 28 January. “Adly released all the criminals from jail and order them to beat us,” he yelled, demanding compensation.
The saga of the imprisoned ministers has become something of a favorite soap opera among Egyptians, with newspapers splashing huge pictures of Mr. Adly lounging around behind bars in prison whites along with three jailed business tycoons who were in the cabinet.
Few details seem too small to escape all manner of fly-on-the-wall reports. One former minister ordered food delivered from home rather than eat prison swill, newspapers said. At one point, when Mr. Adly opened the tap in his cell and no water came out, a guard said it would start flowing “right now”, although it was still not working an hour later, the semiofficial newspaper al-Akhbar reported. “The word ‘now’ used to mean that things would happen within five minutes at the Interior Ministry,” the newspaper reported Mr. Adly yelling at his guards.

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