12 March 2011

More on Japan

Japan is still suffering from the earthquake, the tsunami, and the aftermath of the flooding, including an explosion at a nuclear power plant, with attendant scenes of disaster:
A day after Japan was hit by a double blow— a monster earthquake followed by a killer tsunami— the full extent of death and destruction is still unclear. By 11 p.m. on Saturday, Tokyo time, the official toll was 574 people dead, 1,128 injured, and 784 missing, but those figures are expected to rise dramatically in coming days.
Aftershocks are continuing and fires from burning oil storage tanks have yet to be put out. The biggest new risk is the possibility of a reactor meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plant Number One, one of two such facilities where the fuel rod cooling system failed. On Saturday evening local time, an explosion occurred at the Fukushima plant, reportedly destroying walls. Authorities expanded the evacuation zone from a ten to a twenty kilometer radius. Even before the explosion, Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency had reported leaks of the radioactive nuclear material cesium.

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