08 January 2011

A troublesome Turk

Courtesy of Rico's friend Kelley, Liz Goodwin has an article at Yahoo.News about a failed hijacking:
A large, brave passenger on a Turkish Airlines flight overpowered a would-be hijacker by sitting on him, passengers and authorities said. According to passenger accounts, the attempted hijacking began shortly before the Boeing 737 plane was going to land in Istanbul. The masked suspect, later identified in news reports as forty-year-old man, named Yasar Cuma or Cuma Yasar, claimed to be holding a bomb (later found to be a fake) and tried to break into the cockpit, demanding that the plane return to its originating point in Oslo, Norway.
Two passengers, identified as Firat Faysal Ali and Dag Gjerstad by a Turkish news wire, subdued him before he could get into the cockpit. The crew moved the 59 passengers to the back of the plane as the suspect was restrained near the front. The plane landed in Istanbul ahead of schedule.
When police arrived on the scene, one of the passengers was still sitting on the suspect. Police were quoted in an Agence France-Presse report that the suspect, a Turkish man, may have psychological problems. An ID found on him said he suffers from mental illness.
An asylum seeker in Norway, he went on a hunger strike for 43 days last summer to try to get a residence permit, according to Norwegian news reports, and a friend of his professed not to be surprised about the alleged hijacking attempt.
Rico says he's unclear about why, if he didn't want to go back to Turkey, the idiot got on the plane in the first place, unless the Norwegians were expelling him (but you'd think they might've mentioned that to the airline)...

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