01 August 2010


Saltimbocca (Italian for jumps in the mouth) is a dish, popular in southern Switzerland, Italy, Spain, and Greece, made of veal lined or topped with prosciutto and sage; marinated in wine, oil, or saltwater depending on the region or personal taste.
Rico says 'jumps in the mouth' is what you want to do when you see Angelia Jolie, and never more than in Salt, her current movie. A high-velocity (a cut-a-second in some places) piece of misdirection, it pretty much glues you to your seat and makes you gobble popcorn at a great rate, all the while trying to convince you that she's badder than you might think.

(Spoiler alert: she doesn't do all the things they want you to think she does.)

Is it a classic? No. Is it worth seeing, especially on the big screen with a lot of popcorn? Sure. Is it a big hit for Jolie-lips fans, including Rico? Absolutely. (And was it a good thing when they got her out of that blonde hair? You betcha.)

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