16 June 2009

It's harder than you think

Rico says it's a hard thing, describing how it is in here.
Unless you've suffered a brain injury yourself, it's likely to be difficult, if not impossible, to imagine on your own. But while, thankfully, Rico isn't in some nursing home somewhere (or dead), like a lot of the guys (and they were all guys) he was in the hospital with, he is (charitably) fucked up compared to how he used to be.
So, let's try this, and see if it helps.
First off, go to the liquor cabinet, take out whatever strong alcoholic beverage you prefer (wine and beer don't cut it; we're talking at least 100 proof here), and pound down four or five shots as fast as you can.
Once they've taken effect, reach down and knot your shoelaces together. (No, just kidding, but it would help the effect.)
Now cross your eyes, just a little bit. (You won't be able to achieve the proper ten-degree rotation, as shown in this picture of Bud, but it'll do.)
Okay, that's how it is for Rico all the time.
So, if you see him wearing a patch, or seeming unsteady on his feet, that's why.
No pity required, but feel free to cut him some slack...

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