11 June 2009

Eager for normalcy

The New York Times has an editorial about Lebanon:
Good news in the Middle East is rare. So last weekend’s parliamentary election in Lebanon stands out. Pro-Western forces scored a solid victory over Hezbollah. That is also a major setback for the militant group’s supporters in Iran and Syria. After years of unending strife, Lebanon’s voters seemed eager for normalcy. President Obama’s outreach to the Muslim world seems to have helped undercut the extremists at the polls. So may have Vice President Joseph Biden’s pre-election visit to Lebanon— a welcome show of support for the pro-Western coalition.
But Hezbollah, whose militia may be stronger than Lebanon’s Army, is still the country’s most powerful political force. Syria and Iran are unlikely to stop their meddling. President Obama was wise to send his Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, to Beirut on Thursday and to Damascus on Friday. There is a lot to talk about.
In Lebanon, that includes the possibility of more American aid to strengthen the army and pay for development programs that might undercut Hezbollah’s appeal. The coalition also must be pressed to calm divisions among Lebanon’s Sunnis, Shiites and Christians rather than stoke them as critics alleged in the campaign.
In Syria, Mr. Mitchell must drive home the message that if Damascus wants an easing of sanctions and increased diplomatic contact, it must restrain Hezbollah and move away from Iran. The Syrians could draw the wrong message from Hezbollah’s defeat and sow more mayhem. Mr. Mitchell needs to evaluate whether it is time to encourage Syrian peace talks with Israel.
The voting gave the pro-Western March 14 coalition, which is led by the billionaire Sunni businessman Saad Hariri, 71 of Parliament’s 128 seats. The Hezbollah-led opposition won 57 seats. The complex nature of Lebanese politics— the opposition has veto power in the current cabinet— makes it almost certain that there will be weeks of infighting before a government is sorted out.
Political tensions could also erupt into renewed civil war. We hope that Syria and Iran do not feed that.
We also hope that Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, meant it when he said that he accepts the election results. Mr. Hariri’s offer to consider giving Hezbollah a place in a coalition government is worth exploring— if Hezbollah is ready to forsake violence for democratic politics.
In his Cairo speech, President Obama held out the possibility of working with Hezbollah if it does that. Lebanese voters have sent their message. They are tired of extremism. Hezbollah and its patrons should listen.
Rico says extremism is the heart-blood of the Middle East; this shit ain't over yet...

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