04 February 2009

While we're quibbling

Rico says Defiance is still a great movie, and you should go see it immediately, but there's just this one little thing...

Having made a couple of historical movies himself, Rico knows how difficult it can be to get things right (thus his hours of Photoshop, frame by frame, to remove the Vibram soles from a pair of boots that got by him and on tape), but Hollywood has a lot of people who get paid a lot of money to do just that.
So what's with the (late in the film) shoulder strap full of twelve-gauge cartridges on one of the Jewish fighters?
Twelve-gauge, fine; they had hunting shotguns, appropriate to the period.
But nice bright-red plastic high-brass shells? (Not made for, oh, another thirty years.)
Worse yet, in a shiny black plastic holder? (The same.)
It didn't ruin the movie for him, but it did piss Rico off...

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