31 December 2008

Now they're at it again

CNN.com has a story about ETA, back again:
A bomb exploded outside a television station in Spain's Basque region Wednesday after police got a warning call from the separatist group ETA, authorities said. The blast occurred around 11 a.m. (5 a.m. ET) in Bilbao. The warning came an hour ahead of the bombing and gave police enough time to evacuate the area. There was no immediate word on casualties or damage.
Last month, during an anti-terrorism raid in France, authorities captured the man now considered to be the overall chief of the separatist group. Authorities initially said the suspect, Mikel Garikoitz Aspiazu, 35, was the top military chief of ETA, in charge of ordering attacks. But the armed group long has also had a separate leader in charge of policy. Authorities now believe Aspiazu, alias Txeroki, held both positions.
ETA is blamed for more than eight hundred deaths in its long fight for Basque independence. It has traditionally used France as its rear-guard base for logistics to carry out attacks, mainly across the border in Spain, and French and Spanish police have cooperated on a number of arrests of top ETA operatives in France.
On 30 October, a powerful car bomb that authorities blamed on ETA injured twenty-seven people at the University of Navarra in the northern Spanish city of Pamplona. And, in mid December, French police arrested two ETA suspects, both armed, as they were riding bicycles.
Rico asks, how scary can terrorists be if they ride bicycles?

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