31 December 2008

Civil War for the day

Rico says there's an illustration he wanted to post here today, but he can not find it, no matter how he searches the internet.
It is for a story published in Playboy magazine back in the 1960s; the story was about inadvertent time-travel by a squad of soldiers in North Carolina, who were thrown back a hundred years into the midst of the Civil War. Given the standard mix of Northern versus Southern soldiers in the squad, the complications are as expected, but the resolution was excellent. A great story, but an even better illustration; it looks exactly like a period Brady daguerreotype, until you notice the grenades...
If anyone knows where he can find it, please email him with the proper issue date so he can order a copy.

Turns out it's not what you know, as usual, it's who you know. And Rico says he knows John Robinson from New Orleans, who knew some other guy named Breda Fallacy, who knew exactly what Rico was talking about; the story is by George Byram, and is called The Chronicle of the 656th. Rico says he's awaiting the results of an eBay auction to see if he got a copy. When he does, he'll scan the photo and post it for all to marvel at...

1 comment:

  1. I don't know where to find it but I remember that story. Try looking in the 1967/1968 magazines.


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