05 December 2008

Nice of them, if a trifle late

The New York Times has an article by Somini Sengupta and Jane Perlez about the latest Indian admissions in the Mumbai disaster:
India conceded Friday that the devastating terrorist attacks on Mumbai last week revealed “lapses” in its security arrangements, while the country’s prime minister articulated the scale of anger and grievance stirred by the attacks in the Indian public. “The people of India feel a sense of hurt and anger as never before,” said the prime minister, Manmohan Singh, at a news conference in New Delhi. That anger has been directed in part at India’s neighbor, Pakistan, where Indian and American officials believe the attackers received training, and Mr. Manmohan said on Friday that other countries around the world should now confront Pakistan over the alleged presence of terrorists on its soil. “We expect the world community to come to the same conclusion, that the territory of a neighboring country has been used for this crime,” he said, referring to Pakistan.
But the anger is also focused domestically too, as Indians rage at their government for not having done more to protect them. In the most public outrage so far, tens of thousands in Mumbai marched near the attacked sites on Wednesday, while similar rallies were held in New Delhi and in the southern technology hubs of Bangalore and Hyderabad.
Speaking in Mumbai on Friday, India’s new home minister, Palaniappan Chidambaram, admitted that there had been “lapses” in the way India handled the crisis and said his government was trying to “improve the effectiveness of the security systems.” “There have been lapses,” he told reporters. “I would be less than truthful if I said there had been no lapses.”
Questions raised include why Indian intelligence had no forewarning of the plot, why security was so loose at the sites attacked in Mumbai, and why Indian security forces were so poorly armed — and in some cases so slow to respond.
In Mumbai, meanwhile, Mr. Chidambaram issued a lower tally on Friday for casualties in the attacks, saying 163 people — including 18 members of the security forces — died along with nine suspected terrorists. The number of injured was 293, he said. Previous accounts put the death count among the attackers’ victims at more than 170.
Rico says 'lapses in its security arrangements'? Lapses? 9.11 had lapses. This was a clusterfuck...

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