23 December 2008

Finally, justice

The Associated Press has the story out of Lansing, Michigan:
Detroit's 36th District Court must pay a longtime white employee $424,000 because he was repeatedly denied promotions in favor of black applicants. The Michigan Supreme Court on Friday let stand a jury's discrimination verdict for Kenneth Sciotti in 2005. Sciotti had shown at trial that in the departments he applied to, all but one of the supervisors were black. All nine supervisory jobs he wanted in a four-year period were filled by blacks. Sciotti, who started at the court in 1979, said he was passed over for less-qualified applicants. The district court also has to pay Sciotti at least $151,000 in attorney fees and costs. The Michigan Court of Appeals upheld the verdict in 2007 before it was appealed again.
Rico says that's what happens when you elect a black man as President; it opens up all that reverse discrimination area of the law...

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