09 October 2008

Oh, goodie, more Macs to want

Macworld has the not-unexpected news in an article by Jim Dalrymple:
Apple is turning its attention to its notebook line of computers, as the company announced a special event being held in Cupertino on 14 October. “The spotlight turns to notebooks,” reads the invitation sent to select media on Thursday, announcing next week’s event. No other information was given, but it’s obvious what Apple will be announcing next week. The event to introduce new notebooks comes just over a month from when the company rolled out new iPods. The Let’s Rock event saw a new iPod nano, iPod touch, and iTunes 8, among other things. The release of new notebooks will set Apple up with a new computers, iPods, and iPhones before the lucrative holiday shopping season.
Rico says he won't be able to afford them, but he'll want them nevertheless...

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