28 September 2008

Take your religion and shove it

Rico wonders many things. One of them, of course, is the all-too-common compulsion toward religion. He's never had it, doesn't really understand it, and is constantly amazed at how it affects other people. (We're not even talking suicide bombers here, just good ol' boys who dress up in robes and burn crosses.)
Each religion, of course, seems to work in different ways.
There are no born-again Jews, for instance. You can convert to Judaism, of course, but you have to work at it, and some Jewish sects won't let you in unless you're born to a Jewish mother.
Buddhists, of course, are all born again; it's the point of reincarnation. Rico isn't totally sure about reincarnation (though he surely has his suspicions about it, given this kshatriya thing he's prone to), but he likes the whole scheme of Buddha's teachings more than the others.
Christians, of course, are big into being born again. Some of them won't have a thing to do with you unless you are, but that's fine with Rico. Some, like the Jehovah's Witnesses, come around and bother you of a Sunday morning (including one of the hottest little wenches of Rico's young life, but that's a story for another time). Some, like the Mormons, mostly seek converts outside the country, among the innocents abroad.
All in all, a strange and puzzling phenomenon, this religion.
And don't get Rico started on the fucking Moslems...

Having had an NDE, Rico can report no bright lights, no welcoming dead relatives, no voices from 'beyond'. But maybe he just didn't get close enough to the border to report accurately on what lies on the other side. One day, like everyone else, he'll find out and, like everyone else, will undoubtedly be surprised...

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