28 September 2008

Petulance is unbecoming

Apparently Barack Obama's campaign is upset by ads like these (though Rico hasn't seen one yet) that have been appearing in Pennsylvania; click 'More' at the end of the first one to see them all:

Obama's campaign general counsel Bob Bauer wrote to stations in Pennsylvania seeking to censor the ads. "Unlike federal candidates, independent political organizations do not have a right to command the use of broadcast facilities," Bauer wrote. "Moreover, you have a duty 'to protect the public from false, misleading or deceptive advertising. This advertising is false, misleading, and deceptive," Bauer continued. "We request that you immediately cease airing this advertising."

The NRA says Obama's camp are sending out these "intimidating cease and desist letters" to cable operators and television stations, threatening their FCC licenses if they run the ads. The NRA charged that "Obama and the DNC have been using strong-arm tactics reminiscent of Chicago machine politics to try and cover up the truth and silence NRA by forcing the stations to assist them in hiding Obama's radical anti-gun record."

Rico says none of this should have come as a surprise; the Democrats haven't been pro-gun in a century or more, and the NRA, thankfully, always has been...

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