01 September 2008

Old friends, to whom we owe much

Sometimes you flip through a magazine, turn the page, and your past leaps out. Thus it happened to Rico while reading the April 2000 issue of Wired magazine; he saved the page and just ran across it again recently. Randy Komisar, for it is him, was instrumental in getting Rico hired at Claris and out of an untenable situation with a real prig of a boss at Apple (name available upon request by sending Rico an email). Randy moved on later, of course, like all the honchos at Claris. According to his current website,
Randy Komisar joined Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers in 2005 as a partner. For several years prior, Randy partnered with entrepreneurs creating businesses with leading-edge technologies. He was a co-founder of Claris Corporation, served as CEO for LucasArts Entertainment and Crystal Dynamics, and acted as a 'virtual CEO' for such companies as WebTV, Mirra, and GlobalGiving. He was a founding director of TiVo, where he is currently chairman of the Nominating and Governance Committee. Earlier, Randy served as CFO of GO Corporation and Senior Counsel for Apple Computer, following a private practice in technology law.
A great guy, and Rico wishes him well. Not that he needs the money, but he can use the encouragement, so buy his book. If you do, send him an email and tell him I told you to.

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