23 September 2008

Lying about it won't help

The International Herald Tribune has a story by Nicholas Kristof about the campaign:
Here's a sad monument to the sleaziness of this U.S. presidential campaign: Almost one-third of voters 'know' that Barack Obama is a Muslim or believe that he could be. In short, the political campaign to transform Obama into a Muslim is succeeding. The real loser as that happens isn't just Obama, but America's entire political process.
A Pew Research Center survey released a few days ago found that only half of Americans correctly know that Obama is a Christian. Meanwhile, thirteen percent of registered voters say that he is a Muslim, compared with twelve percent in June and ten percent in March. More ominously, a rising share - now sixteen percent - say they aren't sure about his religion because they've heard "different things" about it.
In conservative Christian circles and on Christian radio stations, there are even widespread theories that Obama just may be the Antichrist. Seriously. John Green, of the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, says that about ten percent of Americans believe America may be in the Book of Revelation's 'end times' and are on the lookout for the Antichrist. A constant barrage of e-mail and broadcasts suggest that Obama just may be it.
McCain himself is not popular with evangelicals. But they will vote for him if they think the other guy may be on Satan's side. In fact, of course, Obama took his oath on the Bible, not - as the rumors have it - on the Koran. He is far more active in church than McCain is.
Rico says all he can do is shake his head at stuff like this. The Antichrist? Why not?

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