29 August 2008

The rich are different than you or me...

...they have more money. (That's the punchline to an old joke, supposedly a conversation between Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald.)
But the Peripatetic Engineer, over at the Sandbox blog, has a classic:
I’m back after a little vacation. The Mrs. and I cashed in some frequent flier miles and took a trip to Paris and into Provence. I thought I was totally away from The Sandbox until two Lamborghinis showed up one day and parked in front of the Hilton Tour Eiffel. They both had Abu Dhabi registrations. (But not low numbers, so they must have belonged to a low-level sheikh) My wife asked my why they would have Abu Dhabi license plates if they were in France. I explained to her that the sheikh probably loaded his personal cars into his personal jet airplane before departing for France. She found the concept of someone having that much wealth difficult to reconcile with her life experience. But, as she is fond of saying, “The rich are different”.
Rico says he can't imagine having that much money, either, but he'd like to...

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