29 August 2008

Good vintages

Rico went to see the new movie Bottle Shock with the ladyfriend (who loves wine and quirky movies, so he thought we were in business). We had both liked Sideways, another quirky movie about wines and California. (There's also some similarity to Fight Club, but you'll have to trust me on that one.) With Bottle Shock based on a real story, that seemed a plus as well. (You can read a review, not by Rico, that says it's "a film for oenophiles, not cinephiles" here and order yourself some of the real Chateau Montelena's wine here.) Rico says it was very quirky; it took both of us awhile to get into it.
Overall, Rico says he'd have to rate it a good Netflix movie, seen from the couch with a nice bottle of something you like; in the theatre, with only popcorn, it was just okay... (However, seeing Freddy Rodriguez as Gustavo on his Ural motorcycle made Rico salivate for one again.)
The acting was excellent, of course; you'd expect no less from the likes of Alan Rickman, Bill Pullman, Dennis Farina (though whoever put him in that gawdawful checked suit should be shot), and Bradley Whitford, with a host of minor character actors you never heard of. The 'intern', Sam, played by Rachael Taylor, was California-hot at its finest (though she's Australian, apparently):

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