22 August 2008

Guess Rico won't be seeing this one

Kurt Loder has a review on the MTV site of Death Race, the new movie starring Jason Statham (whom Rico likes, even if Loder did call Statham "the English Vin Diesel"):
The most astonishing thing about Death Race, a crash-bang action movie otherwise wholly free of astonishment, or even much passing interest, is the presence in its cast of Joan Allen. And apart from the fact that she's actually in this damn thing — togged out in exactly the sort of dark, tailored suits she wears in the Bourne movies — she is also called upon to utter the most baffling line in any recent film: "OK, cocksuckers, fuck with me and we'll see who shits on the sidewalk." This, from an actress who's been nominated for three Academy Awards.
The movie is nominally based on that Seventies grindhouse classic, Death Race 2000, which starred David Carradine and the pre-Rocky Sylvester Stallone. But that film had elements of satire and gobbets of humor amid the carnage. Death Race, with its leeched color, is grim and laughless, and Anderson pushes his stuttery cameras so close-in to the action that it's often a strain to discern what exactly is going on. Or, if it need be said, to care.
If I tell you that Death Race was directed by genial schlock purveyor Paul W.S. Anderson, the man who cluttered the world with Alien vs. Predator and Resident Evil, that may be all you need to know about this dismal flick.
Rico says that's too bad; with tits like Ms Martinez displays, he was hoping this would be worth seeing...

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