27 July 2008

Thirty years later, who'da thunk it?

The BBC has the story of the stability and prosperity in Cambodia, of all places: "The Khmer Rouge presided over the deaths of almost two million Cambodians when they held power in the late 1970s, and that was just a short period of a three-decade long civil war which only came to an end 10 years ago. The picture now is quite different. Successive years of double-digit growth have made the Cambodian economy one of the world's star performers. Millions of tourists are discovering the country's heritage and charm every year, providing jobs for an ever-increasing population. The Khmer Rouge is no more, and a UN-backed tribunal has charged its surviving leaders with crimes against humanity."

Rico says this is a success story he would never have guessed when Phnom Penh fell to the Khmer Rouge... (Written about in his book At All Hazards; feel free to go buy a copy.)

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