27 July 2008

Like we couldn't guess the answer

PC World has an article entitled Microsoft: Stodgy or Innovative? It's All About Perception. They go on to try and present the argument that Microsoft is really innovative, citing work on 'Surface', Microsoft's 'multi-touch tabletop computer' (otherwise known as vaporware; even the article said so). "After the demo, one analyst commented to Mundie that the technology looked great but that the rest of the world doesn't get to see such demonstrations, and he urged Mundie to spread the word so that people will perceive Microsoft as the innovative company that it is, rather than as a legacy software vendor. As Mundie and others begin talking more about new innovations, however, the company runs the risk of being accused of marketing vaporware, a criticism it has faced in the past. In fact, Microsoft has been accused of announcing its work on technologies very early as a way to discourage other companies from developing similar products in competition... Another analyst at the meeting asked Microsoft executives how the company expects to be able to sell Windows 7, the next version of the operating system, when people have such a poor perception of Vista. Executives didn't have a great reply, beyond assuring the audience that the problems that plagued Vista at its initial launch are now fixed."

Rico says they can say all the nice things about Windows Whatever they want, he's not changing from the Fruit Company...

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