27 June 2008

Wanted may not be so

In what is, at best, a mixed review, the New York Daily News takes apart the new movie Wanted. Hey, Angelia Jolie and Morgan Freeman? Sounded like such a good thing. Apparently not:
"The fact that Timur Bekmambetov's amped-up action flick Wanted makes absolutely no sense is entirely irrelevant. Your brain, in fact, can take a two-hour hiatus. But your adrenal glands will be working overtime... You could fairly call Wanted, which is loosely based on a graphic novel of the same name, too long, too dumb and too outlandish. Or you could keep stuffing your face with popcorn and appreciate Bekmambetov's determination to give us our money's worth. And he does get points for casting the talented McAvoy, who deserves a chance to break out after supporting bigger stars in movies like Atonement. Also wise was the decision to balance McAvoy's everyman meekness with Jolie's intimidating cool. Whether speeding through tunnels or outracing a train, she meets every escalating threat with an imperious stare and a massive gun. Our era could use a few more iconic action heroes, and right now, no one fits the bill better than she does.
Rico says he's stupid enough to probably see it anyway...

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