27 June 2008

Ain't chemistry fun?

"On Wednesday, the Phoenix lander performed the first ever wet chemistry experiments on the Martian surface. According to the scientists behind the Microscopy, Electrochemistry, and Conductivity Analyzer, the data coming back is like 'winning the lottery'. So far, the first round of wet-chemistry experiments are approximately 80 percent complete, and the lander has three more chemistry sets on board to use at a later date... This week's results are from a single scoop of Martian soil. The science pack was designed to understand the wet chemistry of the soil: what is dissolved in it, and how acidic or alkaline it is. The initial results showed that the soil is very basic, as the pH was measured at between eight and nine. In addition to the basic nature of the soil, the instrument found a host of salt components. Those identified so far include magnesium, sodium, potassium, and chlorine, and the analysis is not yet complete. According to co-investigator Sam Kounaves of Tufts University, science lead for the wet chemistry investigation, these salt findings are simply further evidence of water."

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