17 April 2008

Condition of negritude

Via the Gates of Vienna blog, this from a guest blogger:
"Let’s please have it understood that Barack Hussein Obama is not black. He is, by proper definition, a mulatto, being descended from both black and white parents. Rest assured that Obama plays himself up as a black man, but that in no way changes his actual genetic and ancestral heritage. What it does signify is that Barack Hussein Obama is more than willing to ignore racial realities within his own personal realm when they conflict with his overall political vision.
What this bodes in terms of how he will deal with racial issues upon becoming President is not at all heartening. Furthermore, it is a bellwether of even more disturbing possibilities with respect to how such a man might seek to run this world’s greatest superpower.
In an obscene reinvention of Jim Crow doctrine, the thoroughly reviled One-Drop Rule has found new life in American liberals, and with Barack Hussein Obama in particular: the 'one-drop rule' is an historical colloquial term in the United States whuch holds that a person with any trace of sub-Saharan ancestry (however small or invisible) cannot be considered white, and so, unless the person has an alternative non-white ancestry that he or she can claim, such as Native American, Asian, Arab, or Australian aborigine, the person must be considered black.
By Obama’s own reasoning, it would seem as though this long discredited and viciously racist notion — that even the slightest bit of black ancestry makes a person entirely black — suddenly has new validity and pertinence in our time. Perish the thought that, as black Supreme Court jurist Thurgood Marshall insisted, “classifications and distinctions based upon race or color have no moral or legal validity in our society.”

Rico says you can't have it both ways...

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