16 April 2008

Hackintosh? Not for long, it seems

Wired magazine says Apple will come up with some techie solution to killing the new Mac clone, rather than pursue legal means: "The emergence of an unlicensed Mac clonemaker is a sign of Apple's growing market power. The Cupertino company sold more than 2.3 million Macs during the first quarter of 2008 -- a growth rate that's more than 2.5 times that of the overall PC market, according to research firm IDC. Apple had an official clone-licensing program in the mid-1990s, but Steve Jobs killed it in 1997 after returning to lead Apple. Based on the company's website claims, engineers at Psystar appear to be emulating parts of the Mac firmware on a Windows PC -- fooling Leopard into thinking it's running on top of genuine Apple hardware."

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