16 April 2008

The bitch is back

From the Chicago Sun-Times: Throughout his campaign in Pennsylvania, Obama took the high road. He left race out of the conversation, and focused on the issues that voters raised during town hall meetings. Clinton, who not once has challenged Rendell's disgraceful stereotype of Pennsylvania voters as racist, has consistently seized upon polarizing issues in an effort to boost her campaign. Obama has tried to end this latest battle of words, saying: "If I worded things in a way that made people offended, I deeply regret that."
He had no reason to apologize. In attacking Obama as "elitist" and "arrogant," Clinton is again appealing to the lower nature of voters. She has once again proved that she is willing to feed the ignorance of voters like the ones Rendell has described. But, worse yet, Clinton is now communicating to these voters that she that can put an "uppity" black man in his place.

Rico says if Barack is 'uppity', then he's all for uppity nigras as President, but not stupid white bitches...

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