03 April 2008

Give Meredes-Benz a chance?

Michelle Malkin's blog has a great series of these street protest signs, though none as classically clueless as this one. Besides just being wrong, of course, the core problem is that no one (including whoever drew this sign) knows what the 'peace symbol' really means.
Rico knows, of course. It doesn't stand for peace, for one thing. When it was developed, back in the 1950s in England, it was to protest (in favor of) nuclear disarmament. The symbol itself is actually the semaphore (wow, there's something that's dropped out of fashion) symbols for 'N' and 'D', thus standing for 'nuclear disarmament'.
While peace was the intent, the actuality had to do with the British fear of having Russian nukes dropped on them, not just going to war.

Rico says those who do not learn from history are doomed to draw stupid signs...

1 comment:

Peripatetic Engineer said...

And if you rotate the peace symbol 180 degrees, it could be "TU", for Tits Up.


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