19 April 2008

Another rat off the ship

Seems Robert Reich, formerly of the Clinton cabinet, has now endorsed Barack Obama rather than Hillary.
The endorsement underscored one of the difficulties that Clinton faces as she struggles to overtake Obama, who leads the Democratic contest in pledged delegates and the popular vote with just a few major primaries remaining. The more aggressive her tack, polls suggest, the higher she drives her own negative standing with voters.
Clinton leads among superdelegates, 257 to 231, but Obama leads in the overall delegate count, 1,645 to 1,507, according to the Associated Press; it takes 2,025 delegates to win the nomination.
Along with Reich and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, the others who served in the Clinton Cabinet and now support Obama are former Commerce Secretary William M. Daley, former Commerce Secretary Norman Y. Mineta, and Federico Pena, who held two posts under Clinton as Transportation secretary and Energy secretary.
"She's in a box," said Democratic strategist Joe Trippi. "The more she does the things she has to do, the more people don't like her."

Rico says that's because people are smart, in the end...

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