19 April 2008

And she should stay there

From Boston.com: "In a campaign where the Iraq war, the mortgage crisis, and the economy have been tops in the minds of voters, the two Democratic contenders yesterday sparred over a less weighty question: Who is the bigger whiner?
Clinton made her pitch yesterday in a high school gymnasium, winning cheers from a mostly teenage audience as she castigated the Illinois senator as the class wimp.
"Did you see the debate the other night?" Clinton asked at Radnor High School. "I know that some of my opponent's supporters, and my opponent, are kind of complaining about the hard questions," she said.
"Having been in the White House for eight years, and seen what happens in terms of the pressures and stresses on a president, that was nothing," the New York senator added. "I'm with Harry Truman on this: If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Speaking for myself, I'm very comfortable in the kitchen."

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