22 March 2008


Should have been yesterday, technically:

Sorry for the incomplete pun, but ths Gates machine doesn't have the ease of typing foreign letters the way the Mac does. Suffice it to say that the title should be pronounced "soup's on".
In case you can't read the apron, it's "Don't make me poison your food", which someone thought summed up my cooking style better than Chris', though the apron fit her better.
Let's just say that eating chez Seymour can be exciting, if not dangerous.
This typing with one eye is challenging. I'll be happy when they merge again. Soon; the doc says. Other that that, I'm doing just fine, thank you very much. As soon as I have an orgasm, and my vision stops being doubled , I'll be back to what passes for normal with me.
I'll keep you posted.
Until then, let's hope the chili turns out well.

Rico says the chili turned out fine, and the orgasms got sorted out, but my eyesight is still doubled, a year-plus later.

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